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1/3 HP High Pressure Torin Blower #A28874B,970 CFM (RETEX1/3HPBLOWER)


General Electric Motor:

1/3 HP, 3410 RPM 115 VAC, 60 Hz. Single Phase, 3.3 amp. Ambient temperature 40 C.
Dimensions: Inlet 4-3/8" x 4-1/2". Outlet 3-1/2" x 5". Overall dimensions: 14" long, including mounting.

With outlet half closed off, blower will deliver 150 CFM @ 1.8" static pressure and Air Velocity 8000 feet per minute. Continuous Duty

Blower can be operated at free air and will deliver 970 CFM. Intermittent Duty, 5 minute duty cycle.

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1/3 HP High Pressure Torin Blower #A28874B,970 CFM

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